Once you login to Privado, you will see our onboarding screen. Click on Setup to Connect GitLab

As you can see, we need App Id & Secret to connect with GitLab Cloud. To do this, we will have to create an application for Privado in GitLab Cloud.

Creating Privado Application in GitLab Cloud

In order to create a Privado application, you need:

  1. Paid Gitlab cloud account
  2. Admin access to the Group where you are creating the Application

Login to your GitLab cloud account and move to All Groups

Select the Group for which you want to integrate Privado and click on Settings button from the left-nav bar & click on Applicatons from the Settings menu.

Add the following details in the Applications create screen:

Once you fill these details, click Save Application button to create your application. 

Please note you will need your Application ID, Secret in Privado. Before you click Continue, Please save Application ID and Secret somewhere safe so that you can use them in Privado. 

Authentication in Privado

Once you have created the Application, go back to the Privado dashboard and click on Setup for Connect GitLab

Here fill in the details as:

  1. Host: https://gitlab.com/ 
  2. Gitlab App ID: Application ID you copied in the last step
  3. GitLab App Secret: Secret you copied in the last step

Click on Connect after entering the details. A pop-up will open, click Authorize to authenticate the Privado App.

Once you Authorize the integration is done, we will fetch repositories from your groups and then show on the onboarding screen. 

Select the repositories you want to scan and click, 'Add Selected Repositories' to finish the integration.